GENCAST :Genetic Engineering News

  • この媒体は、確かタブロイド判のバイオテクノロジー関係の雑誌だったと思います。内容的には、日本の日経BP社のバイオセンター発行の媒体(日経バイオビジネス電子版、日経バイオテク、日経バイオテクオンライン)と似ているかな?ポッドキャストは研究者のインタビューとニュースダイジェストが含まれています。
  • ホームページでの説明

Genetic Engineering News is proud to introduce a new addition to our website―GENcasts. These weekly podcasts will feature interviews with leading biotech researchers, newsmakers, and thought leaders. Topics will revolve around the critical scientific and business issues that impact the global biotechnology industry, beginning with new discoveries in the lab and then moving onto R & D, biomanufacturing, and final product commercialization. Trends, novel technologies, opinions, recent developments, how-to advice, and much more will discussed in our podcasts in a lively, to-the-point, and informative style. Be sure to listen each Thursday!